My Story
I was born and raised in New York City, Manhattan to be more specific. I went to Vanguard High school on east 67th street and graduated. I had dreams of becoming a Veterinarian at that time, funny how life throws a curveball at you. I then moved from New York to Kansas to go to an affordable college known as Wichita State University, where I am currently a Junior majoring in Chemistry and minoring in Literature.
Now a little about me. I am a 21-year-old Black man that loves to read fantasy novels, enjoys a good time at the movies, and likes to draw creatures in his spare time, and has aspirations of making a career out of writing books. I always loved books, even at a young age. I grew up on dinosaur and shark books, and then I slowly got into fantasy books, such as the Immortal Instruments series, and the Throne of Glass series just to name a couple. I wanted to write a book because I wanted to unleash all the creative potential that I felt was locked away.
I welcome you to read my first book and grow with me as a writer and as a person as I began to take my initial steps from being a writer to a published author.
What's Coming Next?
Yes, I have a second book in the works. It takes place a few years before the events of Clear Our Names. It stars Stephanie and Andre and it shows their backstories, how they met, and how they became the power couple that they are in Clear Our Names. It also shows their struggles, their regrets, and their crippling trauma that was only briefly teased in Clear Our Names. In this book, you will get the untold truth of their horrific pasts while getting an understanding that despite everything they have gone through; poverty, police brutality, sexual assault, kidnapping, homelessness, and psychological torture, they still had each other to lean on while they walked down the seemingly endless path of despair to one day come out of it with some resemblance of what normal used to be.